Every few months or so, schools would often give students a chance to go on a field trip to educational locations such as museums. Not only will this help the students to learn about what they are unable to learn in schools, but also provide a great opportunity for them to interact with the guides to understand about certain specific information the students would like to know. As a result, field trips held for educational purposes are better for children’s education as they provide visual sources, more specific information explained in depth, and of course, a more intriguing way of learning. By providing visual sources in the museums, students are able to have a better understanding about the context or history of a certain antique, place, or event. For instance, if a student was to learn more about the history of pottery back in the ancient Greece, the student will be able to learn a lot more than in class if he/she supposing looked at a map with all the records of the history of pottery in the ancient Greece. Thus, it is very beneficial for students to have such opportunity to learn things that are unavailable and inaccessible in schools. Though teachers have mastered the learning and teaching in certain field of study, it is not surprising that a museum or excursion guide will always have a better knowledge about a more specific topic or event due to the fact that many guides are often inheritances of the historical ancestors. Hence, with the additional proficiency in explaining the events or history in detail, it is acknowledgeable that students will definitely gain more knowledge then if it was taught by a teacher. Boring classes consisted of forever lasting lectures and presentations are inevitable, so when it comes to finding a better and more attention grabbing way of teaching, holding a field trip to a museum is one of the best options; learning a certain topic in depth with ease while taking one whole day off long boring lectures will definitely be appreciated by students. Moreover, this could possibly benefit the teachers as well since this can also be an opportunity for teachers to learn and use it for their teaching sources later on in their career. As a result of the benefits that can be brought to both students and teachers. Students and teachers as well have a way better way of learning by going to the museum rather than going. Though, of course, this does not necessarily means going to a museum everyday instead of going to school!