Active Physics Third Edition - Teacher's Guide
to Active Physics® Third Edition Teacher's Edition electronic book. Use the links on the Side of Each Page to navigate through the chapters.
Your Guide to Success
Active Physics differs from a traditional physics program, in that it contains all the physics content you need to teach, but it is presented in an excitingly innovative and meaningful way. Active Physics explores forces, energy, waves, electricity, and magnetism, as well as optics and modern physics. The content is always placed in a larger context that emphasizes student learning through inquiry, while motivating students through a problem-based learning approach. Students learn about waves, sound, and light as part of their requirement to create a brief show that will entertain their friends (Let Us Entertain You). Students apply what they have learned about Newton’s laws to build an improved safety device for a car (Physics in Action). Students take ownership of their understanding of atomic and nuclear physics by developing a museum exhibit on the atom and suggesting something to be sold in the museum store (Atoms on Display).
In this nine-chapter textbook, you will find everything you are required to teach and more. You will also find that the important concepts that your students need are covered in several chapters. This multiple exposure allows students to see the concepts in a variety of contexts and at a variety of depths. You will be able to choose which chapters meet the needs of your students and your state Standards. Each section of each chapter also has an Active Physics Plus component that provides more mathematics, concept development, inquiry, or depth of treatment. You may begin the year with any chapter. However, Driving the Roads contains the “launcher” material, which introduces the learning components to you and your students and helps provide students with a rationale for why this research-based approach to physics will help them succeed.