Coincidence woth the development of our society, there are more and more various kinds of thing that occuring around us, and our modern lives become more sophisticated than previous time. And there is a arguement between people that should toung people need abilities to make specific plans and organizing their own lives, commonly, many people remained their points that the only ability that young man require is be good at study. However, from my perspective. It is more important for the most young people to have the ability to plan and organize than any other abilities. To beginning with, the ability to plan and organize improves the competiveties of young people in their future time. Because if young people could have a spcific plan of their futrure lives, they will not waste their attention on something that would not have helps in the future. Take my brother as an example, he had plan his future career that to be a biologist since he was young. And in order to reach his dream, he always keeps fighting to make his target closer, he spend his most time on reading biological books and acquiring biological knowledge, while the most of his friends are still stuck in the vedio games and parties days by days because they remain the uncertain future in their brains. As the result, as the time my brother and his friend need to apply the universities, my brother was was apparently quickly enrolled by many universities than his friends due to he has a comparetively rich knowledge on the biological field. From another aspects, the ability to plan and organize allows young people able to become easier go through the problems that they encontered in their lives. the young people who have specific plan could apply their thoughts on their tasks directly to solve sophiticated problems that they meet. For example, I had experienced a problems in an arts project, I was hasitate about drawing an object that is really complicated to draw. To go through this problem, I make a very decorated plan and organized the orders of the painting process approperatly. Finally, I finished painting my composition in a short time and I got a very good grade. At the end, I steadly believed that, it is essential far young people to have the ability to plan and organize. Because this ability provide young people pools of benifits in their future lives and help them to pass over the difficulties. That why I think why this ability is so importat to young people a lot.