I think encourage their children to take a part-time job is a way to help their children prepare for adult life, but it is not the best way, parents need to consider the safety and time. For the teenage children who beyond the 18 years old or already graduated from high school, part-time job is the best way to accumulate their work experience for the company in the future. And after 18 years old, you know more about how to protect yourself, you can recognize what should you do and what should not do. Besides, you have more time which is controlled by yourself, the summer after you just graduated from high school is the best time to do some part-time jobs. At this time, you don't have works from high school or college, and have part-time can let you approach some adults and work with them can help you get a good relationship with your college professor and friends. Because when you in high school, your teacher know that you just a child, you will do something wrong, and when you did something wrong, your teacher will tell which part you should change and what should you do in the future. But when you enroll the college, your teacher and professor, they won't, you need to have independent mind to make yourself in the right ways and do the correct things. Hence, if your a high school students, you may do some part-time job, but in my opinion, it is too early to approach adult life. The top thing at this time is to force on your work, study and try your best to make you score more highly. After you get the perfect school work or the satisfying work, you can consider about how to make your life more colorful, that include the community service, volunteer work, and activity. Because these workers are good for you when you apply for the university and also can improve your view. Besides these, you can consider about do some part-time jobs, but you should make sure that you are work in the company or store which is absolutely safe and legal. As you a child, you may hard to determine the adult world. Ater that, you may be afraid of the adult life so that make you afraid of the future when you get in a company after you graduate from college. The adult world is much more complex than teenage children, it is the reason why I do not fully agree with encouraging teenage children to take a part-time job. As the parents, you should recognize are your teenage children being able to bear the pressure from the job or the adult life and think about don't they have enough time to work on it.