Nowadays, it’s more and more popular for kids to have field trips among schools. However parents haven’t found a similar opinion on if field trips can do a better job on kid’s study. Some parents believe that study is more beneficial for children, while others think that field trips are better than study in the classroom. Personally, I agree with second one, for these following reasons. Firstly, filed trips can make students be more interested in study. So, they can have a better grade. More specifically, filed trips can bring a different feeling to children, they would not so prudent outside, and they will be more excited during the filed trips thus, they won't have any complain when they have trouble. For example, last summer, some students in my class were asked found wild squirrel’s habits in a forest. Some of them follow a squirrel two days and wrote what it eat and how it found food; some of them change their information in their tent, and they even talk about the topic during the feeding time. They work very hard for it, and even though the environment is bad, however, none of them wanted to give up. This trip in the forest improve some of my classmates interesting on biology, and it’s quite better than only study in the class room. Secondly, some field trips can help students understand the information from the textbooks more deeply than the text book. A real happen things always include some new knowledge. Thus we can have more education from the filed trips. Last year, we went to a science museum. Some scientists who work in there show an experiment to us. He put a piece of sodium in the water and then, we were surprised by the sodium—it got smaller and smaller, with many gas in water. The experiment make us more intrestd in Chemistry, and everyone accept the knowledge better than before. Finally, even though study in class room is easily to learn. Because, they only need to remember the things teacher mentioned. However, this kind of study pattern, is boring to students. Therefore, I think study from the filed trips is better for the students study.