Nowadays, it is common to see a pupil at the age of 7 walking to school for class. As the technology advanced, human minds are always inevitable to refuse fresh thoughts of affecting their characteristic, especially when it comes to a decision they will definitely try to take control of it. Compared to the past, young people are more independent now. To begin with, young people nowadays are interested in taking risk in order to succeed. Although taking possibilities may be dangerous, it is easier for them to develop their independence. When a person over came dozens of difficulties, it will be obvious that he is willing to take decision by himself in order to avoid dispensable mistakes as he experienced so many failures. Let us take riding as an example. When a child is learning to ride there are to ways to accomplish, the first is to learn by dependence and the other one is to learn by independence. From the very beginning, it may seems like children with independence are more likely to fail in their first several practice. However, eventually these self-training children tend to be fast-riders while the rest remains under structured. Fortunately, young people now are eager to take every failure as a lesson and grab every opportunities that come in their way, and this two virtues are the exact epitome of self-independence. In addition, the novel thinking of independence recently contribute to the development among young people these days. As more and more people started reading nowadays, educational text book are designed to persuade parents to let go and give their children freedom. So this theory became a common commitment, every parents agree about this statement because they find the independence are the one who can have a better development. Not only because of it's mainstream position, but also the theory itself. It is very reasonable in many aspects, from assumption to researches. When parents are convinced by this thinking, children are easily influenced. They become more and more self independence and is willing to make there own decisions. But unfortunately young people or say every people in the past did not have such breeze of fresh air due to the strict environment, so apparently they are not as independent as today. In conclusion, compared to the past today's young people are better able to make decisions and more independent in their own lives.