In the lecture, the professor first claims that the vessels might be discovered by local villagers, instead by archaeologists. When they discovered those ancient products, they had no awareness of keeping these product and observing these products carefully. Therefore, those wires might be ignored and threw away by them, because they didn't see the values and reasons keeping it. Which means after the experts and archaeologists discovered these areas, the wires will not exist there, which disproves the prediction of the copper cylinders as the ancient electric batteries. Secondly, even though the the copper cylinders look similar like Seleucia's, the professor point out that it cannot be the evidence to identify the function of those later vessels. Because she think the early vessels might be used as book scrolls in the ancient time, but later some ancestors realized that with both iron and liquid can produce electricity, which the function was adopted by later generation. Thirdly, the professor said that electricity can be useful for ancestors that she points out ancestors can use batteries to do magic tricks, invisible power. Because the batteries can produce slight current which cause mind shock after people touched. And the ancestors can used it as a healing tool, when people feeling painful, the electric shock can reduce their pain.